Pursuing Excellence: Leveraging AI Tools for Enhanced Productivity

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By / Tristan Bertram, TIAC Director of Industry Affairs
825-522-4834 • tristan.bertram@tiac.ca

In line with TIAC’s foundational focus for this year’s conference, “The Pursuit of Excellence,” we are thrilled to present an exciting lineup of industry leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies. These experts will help demystify AI and explore how our industry can harness its power to boost productivity and reach new heights of excellence. 

In today’s fast-paced world, embracing innovative tools that drive efficiency, precision, and performance is crucial to business longevity and success. However, what about industries like construction or mechanical insulation, where skilled labour is critical and irreplaceable? Think of AI as a powerful tool designed to enhance your workflow, eliminating the tedious tasks you dislike rather than replacing you or your workforce. As Cory Janssen said in the previous edition of TIAC Times, “The best approach is to forget what you think you know about AI and think about it like using your data to improve your business processes.” 

In efforts to support our members’ pursuit of excellence, I wanted to share some AI tools that can significantly contribute to increased productivity and overall business excellence. The following tools are off-the-shelf AI tools that can be easily used. Scan the QR code to access them.

AI for Anyone:

  1. Chat GPT – AI Chatbot: Get answers and be more productive.
  2. Grammarly – AI Writing Tool: For effortless writing.
  3. Perplexity – AI-Powered Answer Engine: Get accurate, trusted, and real-time answers to any question.

AI for Contractors:

  1. OpenSpace – Construction Site Capture: Build faster and with less risk.
  2. Togal AI – AI-powered Pre-Construction & Estimating Software.

AI for Distributors:

  1. Dataiku – AI-Powered Supply Chain & Logistics.
  2. Proton – The AI-powered CRM for Distributors.

AI for Manufacturers:

  1. Pyramid – Generative BI: The power of Gen AI unleashed in analytics.
  2. Pecan – Predictive GenAI: Get accurate predictions that guide business action.

If any of the platforms mentioned above seem daunting, don’t worry—you’re not alone! Be sure to join us at TIAC’s 62nd conference for Cory Janssen’s presentation, “Enabling Business Growth with AI.” Cory is co-founder and co-CEO of AltaML, one of North America’s largest venture studios focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML). During the presentation, Cory will explain the basics of AI and ML and show how these technologies can benefit you and your business. He will also present real examples of AI in the construction industry, illustrating how other sectors are achieving business excellence through AI adoption. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how AI can transform your operations and drive success.

TIAC’s mission is to establish Canada as the global example of thermal efficiency and energy conservation. By integrating AI tools into their operations, our members can enhance productivity, gain enhanced business insights, and ultimately increase our contribution to a more sustainable future. These few examples of AI not only streamline processes but also empower our workforce to focus on high-value tasks, furthering productivity and our collective pursuit of excellence. By leveraging AI, our membership can make significant strides toward achieving our mission and vision, ensuring that mechanical insulation plays a crucial role in Canada’s carbon reduction and sustainability goals.

I look forward to seeing everyone and learning more about AI and other emerging technologies with you at the conference. It is an exciting and transformative time, and our team here at TIAC is proud to support your business’s growth and overall excellence. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to help. ▪